Explore Thingiverse in AR

Discover cool 3D models, view them in AR and share them with your friends. Check it out on the  APP STORE

AR Model on a desk
now available for iPhone


ThingstAR integrates lots of great features, so I can only highlight my favorites here. Be sure to check out the app, it is really good! Really Really!

AR View

Place your favorite things in your physical environment using Augmented Reality. Move, scale and rotate them with your fingers.

Share AR Models

You can easily share models with your friends. The models are shared as usdz files that can be viewed on all AR-capable iOS devices.


You can also bookmark your favorite things, making them available through the quick access menu (just tap the boat in the top left corner).

Dark Mode

A beautiful light and dark theme make exploring even more fun. The theme automatically adjusts to your system setting.

AR Photos

Take photos of your AR arrangements and save them to your photo library.

Private 3D Models

Import your own 3D models and inspect them in real world. You can also take photos or share them as usdz files with other iOS users.

ThingstAR - The AR Powered Thingiverse Explorer.

ThingstAR is the first iOS app to explore the huge catalog of Thingiverse projects, take a closer look at 3D models in AR and even share your AR models as a usdz file with every other (AR-capable) iOS device. Share your favorite models with your friends!

AR View iPhone Project List iPad Project List iPhone AR View iPad Details iPad AR View iPhone Bookmarks iPad Light Mode iPad

Frequently Asked Questions.

Answers to most common questions.

Why is ThingstAR not available for my iOS device?

As ThingstAR relies heavily on ARKit it is only available on AR capable devices. The following devices are currently supported:

  • iPhone (all models since iPhone 6s, namely 6s, SE, 7, 8, X, XR, Xs, 11, SE 2020, 12, 13)
  • iPad Pro (all models)
  • iPad Air (3rd generation and newer)
  • iPad (5th generation and newer)
  • iPad Mini (5th generation and newer)
What can I do if screenshots are not saved to photos?

There are two main reasons for this to happen. Either the app doesn't have the permission to write to photos. In this case go the settings app and open the settings menu for ThingstAR. Here you need to allow write access to photos for screenshots to be saved. The other reason may be that the photos app has no albums, then you just need to open the photos app and create one.

AR View only shows black screen. WTF?

It is likely that the app doesn't have permission to use the camera, which is needed for the AR view. Go to the settings app and open the settings menu for ThingstAR. Then allow camera access to discover AR models in your environment.

The app crashes if a large 3D model is opened in AR. Can't you prevent that?

Unfortunately no. Depending on your device and iOS version it is possible that large 3D models crash ThingstAR, when opening the AR view. I tried to fix this in many different ways, without any luck so far. So please be aware of this issue.

Will there be a ThingstAR version for Android?

As the feature set of ThingstAR is heavily based on ARKit, which is not available on Android, it is not very likely that there will be an Android version anytime soon.

What does the message "Thingiverse might be down" mean?

ThingstAR uses the Thingiverse API to search and download things and related files. But there may be temporary service interuptions (downtimes) to the API due to infrastructure upgrades or server issues. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that. Please try again later.

There is this cool service offering 3D models, can you integrate it?

The answer is a clear: Maybe. It basically depends on the amount of models, quality of the service and if it offers an open API. If there is a real additional value to the app (and its users), I will definitely check it out!


Found a bug, got a feature request or have nice words to say? Reach out to me.